Career courses in stenography

Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing technique a good way to boom pace and brevity of writing in contrast to longhand, a more not unusual method of writing a language. the way of writing in shorthand is called stenography, from the Greek stenos (slim) and the principal structures of shorthand currently in use are those devised in 1837 via sir Isaac Pitman and (inside us) in 1888 by using john r. Gregg (1867–1948).


Stenographer is an expert who is capable of translating English or another local language properly into a coded language referred to as shorthand and then    reconverts it into the unique language that too as fast as two hundred phrases in step within a minute.


It is the handy career that is least affected by the advent of the era. because of the fact this is this type of career in which someone has to do his simple paintings i.e. translation via itself. 


Stenographer is needed at every place where spoken phrases want to be documented as such.


After doing the stenography course student can be appointed as 

1) Principal Private Secretary

2) Private Secretary

3) Personal Assistant

4) Stenographer


There are so many good institutes that provide Stenography courses such as the SRIRAM Institute of Professional and Vocational Studies, Sangwan Academy N.S. Institute of Stenography and Typing and Anupam institute of Typewriting and shorthand



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