Teaching requires a lot of interactive skill and ability to present knowledge properly.

Primary Teachers Training course is a comprehensive course that teaches the techniques and teaching methodologies required to teach children at Primary schools. The training will impart teaching skills in a scientific manner that will enable potential teachers to transform themselves into expert educators.

There are many career opportunities after the Primary Teacher Training Course:

·        Primary Teachers in Public Schools.

·        Nursery Teachers in Public Schools.

·        You can start your own pre-school.

·        Work with NGO's.

·        Computer teacher.

·        Art & Craft teacher.

·       Salary scope at private schools is also good and you can expect a starting salary of Rs.12,000 to Rs. 25,000 depending on the classes you will be teaching.               

There are many institute which provide such courses ,But out of these best institute is Sriram Institute of Professional and Vocational courses, Institute has got the award for   the best institute for NTT/PTT course in DELHI NCR


Visit our website sipvs.com

call us on-9818912399 for more details


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